Composite 01_Three Ad series

The purpose of this project was to develop a strategy and concept/idea, that will support a campaign of three magazine advertisements. This ad campaign will run as three consistent advertisements (same product, same theme) in consecutive issues of the same magazine, or on consecutive spreads in one issue (reveal ads).

The concept/idea derives from the overall marketing strategy or selling approach of the advertiser – the “thinking behind the thinking”. So, the sequence in the development of your “campaign” must be:

    1. Strategy: This comes from the USP (Unique Selling Proposition/Benefit) of the product, the market background, the choice of target audience, etc. Every strategy should have an element of distinction from the competition’s strategies.
    2. Concept / idea: A single idea that can have at least three different but related “executions” to form a campaign. Concepts help build brands by taking advantage of repetition, and this consistency helps strengthen the relationship between the product/service and the consumer.


    A series of “executions” (in this case, magazine advertisements) that devolve from a single concept/idea. Campaigns are considered to be bigger than a single execution, which is why it is often easy to create one advertisement, but very difficult to do two or three on the same theme.

On the final day, we were required to give a presentation on Acrobat Reader about our Project Proposal with a Proof of concept:

proposal-isha – Proposal – The happy





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